95 Moves. One Winner.
95 Laws of Political Power
Leverage These Laws to Win Against Any Political Opponent.
Outplay Your Opponent.
There are many books that attempt to detail absolute laws of absolute power. Undoubtedly, the most famous of which is The Art of War, an ancient Chinese treatise written by the legendary military strategist Sun Tzu. For over 2,000 years, this text has been studied by military, political, and business leaders alike.
Since then, countless authors have provided their spin on Sun Tzu’s wisdom; however, few authors address that, while the constructs of human relationships remain constant, governments have changed from monarchy to democracy; weapons have changed from spears to computers; and battlefields have changed from swamps to boardrooms.
95 Laws of Political Power is a compilation of rules by which to gain and maintain political power in our current Democratic society. This book explains what it takes to gain political power on every level using the research, observation, and thoughts of a clinical psychologist turned political strategist. Learn from the wisdom of great leaders and follies of foolish losers. Leverage these 95 Laws of Political Power against all opponents in the political game for a guaranteed win.
About the Author.
Dr. Kara von Dresner de Rothschild is a forensic psychologist, philanthropist, political advisor, and author. She completed her training at the Harvard Medical School University of Psychiatry and is an expert in behavioral analysis, discourse analysis, profiling, and negotiation. Dr. von Dresner currently runs a private practice for politicians and ministry treating active-duty service members suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She is the founder of the American Republican Sisterhood, active in the Greek Orthodox Church, and supports many non-profits for children, pets, and veterans. She has published a bed of empirical literature addressing criminality and is the author of best-selling books Psychology that Wins Elections and How to Win Elections in Small Town America.
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